ApacheBooster V3.4.0 released

A new version of the ApacheBooster (3.4.0) is available at the download page!

Apachebooster has released its new version (Apachebooster 3.4.0). Apachebooster, a cPanel plugin built to improve the total execution of a server by raising the performance of Apache Software. Compounded with Nginx and Varnish, this Plugin will reduce the server load spike and memory usage.

With Nginx and Varnish, when a user reaches the site over HTTPS protocol, Nginx sends the request to Varnish and if Varnish already has the content in its cache it immediately responds with that content. Nginx encrypts the content and transfers it to the user.

Varnish Cache is really fast, It typically speeds up delivery with a factor of 300 – 1000x, depending on your architecture. We’ve experienced Varnish delivering 20 Gbps on regular off-the-shelf hardware.

Now like the static and dynamic caching, image optimization, minification of JS and CSS are also done by Apachebooster. Last but not the least feature is the SSL technology for security. It is the most trusted and safe technology implemented in HTTP.

This project has been taken over by Ndimensionz. New and bug-free version of Apachebooster can be downloaded from http://www.apachebooster.com/

ApacheBooster V3.4.0 released

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